Terms & Conditions

Version February 2024



1.1 These Terms and Conditions govern the purchase and subsequent use of Asmana Vouchers ("Vouchers") by consumers made remotely via the internet on the website www.asmana.it. We encourage you to carefully read this document before making your purchase. Before completing the purchase order procedure, the buyer is presented with this document and must fully and unconditionally accept it by checking the designated box.

1.2 Information about the Company: The Vouchers are issued by Floriba srl, via Michelucci 9, 50013 Campi Bisenzio (Fi), Italy, REA number FI-634902 and VAT number 06523800487. These vouchers are exclusively for use at Asmana Wellness World, located at Viale Allende 10, 50013 Campi Bisenzio (Fi), Italy, which is managed and trademarked by Floriba srl, the provider of the services defined in the vouchers. In this document, 'we' or 'our' refers to Floriba srl, the issuer of the voucher in question.

1.3 Information about contracts concluded by the Consumer: Contracts concluded by consumers through the website www.asmana.it will be fully regulated by the following provisions and by the documents, instructions and information to which reference is made, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (containing the Consumer Code), Legislative Decree. 70/2003 (laying down rules on electronic commerce), Legislative Decree No. 29/2010 (laying down rules on services in the internal market), EU Regulation 524/2013 (which established a body for out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online transactions), and Legislative Decree No. 101/2018, by which Italy adapted its national legislation to EU Regulation 2016/679 on data protection (GDPR). Anything not expressly governed by these Terms and Conditions and the above legislation will be governed by the Italian Civil Code. Information relating to the rights granted to the Consumer by the applicable legislation, such as for example information relating to the methods by which to proceed with purchases, the right of withdrawal (when applicable), the processing of personal data on the website www.asmana.it, will be specified in these Terms and Conditions, or in the documents referred to therein. In this document "You" or "Your" refers to the buyer or the recipient of the Voucher, authorized to use the Voucher.



2.1 Vouchers are prepaid coupons in electronic format to be used to obtain goods and/or services within Asmana Wellness World. Vouchers may not be used outside of Asmana Wellness World. Vouchers may refer to one or more specific services indicated on the Voucher ("Service" Voucher) or to a predetermined economic value ("Value" Voucher).

2.2 The Voucher expiration date is indicated on each Voucher and defined as "valid until" or "valid on." As a standard, the validity period is 30 (thirty) months from the date of issuance. In some cases the expiration may also be shorter, for special occasions or for special offers. There may be other restrictions specifically indicated on the Voucher itself.

2.3 On the day following the expiration date indicated on the Voucher, it will automatically cease to be valid and cannot be used in any way. Expired Vouchers may not be refunded or redeemed and will not entitle any refund. Services on the "Service" Voucher can no longer be used and any remaining balance on the "Value" Voucher after the expiration date can no longer be used.



3.1 "Value" Vouchers and "Service" Vouchers can only be purchased via the Internet through www.asmana.it

3.2 A minimum age of 18 (eighteen) years is required to purchase Vouchers, as well as to use the services of Asmana Wellness World.

3.3 When the buyer places an order for a Voucher via the Internet, electronic checks may be conducted to verify the identity of the purchaser. During such checks, the buyer’s personal data may be disclosed to Credit Institutions and/or fraud prevention authorities in accordance with applicable regulations. The purchase or use of the Voucher implies that the buyer agrees to perform the checks provided herein.

3.4 We expressly reserve the right to reject the purchase order if it is not in line with these Terms and Conditions. In addition, in the event that fraud checks reveal reasonable suspicion of fraud or fraud against us or a third party affiliated with us, the order may be cancelled at any time.



4.1 The "Value" and "Service" Voucher prices are shown on the website www.asmana.it and are the ones in effect at the time of the order. For any discrepancies, please check the date of purchase of the Voucher.

4.2 Payment of the order may be made electronically. The Internet site allows the buyer to transmit their bank details in compliance with security measures.



5.1 To use the Voucher, it must be presented in electronic or printed format at the reception desk of Asmana Wellness World at the time of use of the services contained therein. Access to Asmana Wellness World is governed by the current Asmana Wellness World Regulations, which can be found on the website www.asmana.it

5.2 The "Service" Voucher can be used exclusively to use the services indicated on the Voucher. The "Value" Voucher can be used as full/partial payment for the products/services used at Asmana Wellness World. In case of partial payment, the user of the Voucher shall pay the difference by any means of payment (cash or debit or credit card).

5.3 In order to enjoy the provision of certain services (e.g. massage), a reservation is required in advance. We ask you to check this on the website www.asmana.it.

5.4 The Voucher can be used by the buyer of the Voucher or it can be given to another person. In the event that the buyer of the Voucher is not the user of the Voucher, the buyer is obliged to inform the user of these Terms and Conditions.

5.5 The "Value" Voucher cannot be recharged further after purchase and cannot be used to withdraw cash or make purchases on the Internet.

5.6 The use of the Voucher can be blocked without notice in case suspicious, fraudulent or illegal activities are identified or in case of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions and the Rules and Regulations on the website www.asmana.it



6.1 The buyer of the Voucher has the right to withdraw within a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the purchase of the Voucher. In any case, the refund request must be received at least 24 hours before the expiration of the Voucher. This right expires if the Voucher has been partially or fully used.

6.2 If you wish to cancel the Voucher and withdraw from the contract within the above terms, please send an electronic mail, using the email address provided during purchase, with the Voucher attached to the following email address: info@asmana.it

6.3 The refund of your purchase will be made by refunding the amount paid for the Voucher to the same means of payment used. Assuming that the Voucher was purchased by credit card, the amount will be refunded by re-crediting the same credit card.



7.1 Vouchers are transferable and not personal. Any person in possession of the Voucher will be deemed to be a legitimate user of the Voucher.

7.2 Please keep Your Voucher safe and take all necessary security measures to prevent loss, theft or misuse of the Voucher. In the event of loss, theft or misuse of the Voucher, there will be no right to a refund.

7.3 If you have reason to believe that someone has taken possession of the Voucher without your consent, please send an email to the following email address: info@asmana.it. In any case, you are required to produce the original receipt for the Voucher that was sent to you by our e-shop via the website www.asmana.it. All communications in this regard will be made only towards the e-mail address given when purchasing the Voucher.



8.1 All inquiries regarding Vouchers must be made by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address: info@asmana.it.

8.2 For any complaints regarding Vouchers, please contact us using the above addresses, stating the reason for your dissatisfaction. We will register your complaint and take action in accordance with our Internal Complaints Procedure. Once the investigation has been made, we will send you a response to your e-mail address.



9.1 Neither Floriba srl nor its employees or collaborators shall in any way be held liable for any loss or damage to the buyer, service user and/or third parties, which could not be foreseen at the time of purchase of the Voucher. In any event, the liability of Floriba srl shall be limited to the amount of the Voucher at the time of purchase.

9.2 In the event that the Voucher is used fraudulently or for illegal purposes, Floriba srl will take all measures to recover losses and/or damages, reserving the right to take legal action.



10.1 Please see the privacy policy on the website www.asmana.it



11.1 We reserve the right to change this Terms and Conditions document at any time. If changes are made, they will be promptly made public online. The updated version of the Terms and Conditions is available online at www.asmana.it which you should consult regularly.



12.1 Unless otherwise provided in individual sections herein, any contact with Asmana Wellness World concerning these Terms and Conditions shall be made by sending a message to the following e-mail address: info@asmana.it.



13.1 These Terms and Conditions are governed by Italian law. For any dispute relating the interpretation and execution of these Terms and Conditions, as well as for disputes on the Regulations of use of the services of Asmana Wellness World, the competent court is the Court of Florence.

13.2 With regard to the settlement of disputes arising from online transactions, i.e. from an order to purchase a Voucher, both the buyer and Floriba srl may refer to extra-judicial settlement bodies operating by telematic means. In this regard, European Regulation 524/2013 on the "Settlement of Disputes between Consumers and Professionals Relating to Online Purchases" established the ODR, i.e., a specific online body for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online transactions.